FontSoup Screensaver for OS X
Lately I've been exploring Objective-C and writing OS X applications using Xcode Its pretty interesting and it is always good to try/learn new things. I decided porting an existing application from Win32 to OS X would be a good test of my grasp of things and keep things interesting. I decided to port the FontSoup screensaver as it has a few interesting parts but is still not overly complex.
I'm pretty happy with the result so far it looks good to me (right up to 1080p) and has support for a wide range of font encodings (Western, Hebrew, Arabic, Thai, Cyrillic, Japanese, Chinese, Traditional & Simplified Korean, Devanagari, Gujarati, Tamil, Tibetan, Armenian, Symbol, Dingbats & Braille), pretty much anything that was pre-installed with Snow Leopard. This version is definitely still beta as there a few tweaks I need to make yet but if you're using a Mac and wanna try it out and I'd love to hear your feedback
You can download the FontSoup screensaver for OS X here. Unzip the file and drop it into your "/Library/Screen Savers" folder.